

         姓        名:王波
         邮        箱:bowang@scau.edu.cn




1. 小分子代谢与活力调控的研究:


2. 品质代谢物鉴定及基因挖掘



        2004年 - 2008年  安徽农业大学 学士

        2008 - 2011年  中国农业大学 硕士

        2011 - 2016年 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 博士


        2016年 - 2017年  美国普渡大学 博士后; 

        2017 - 至今      华南农业大学农学院任教。


2018 -至今植物生物技术、生物信息学课程、生物信息学实验、农学专业学科训练课程;

2019 -至今基因组学全英文课程;遗传学全英文课程(参讲);








# Equal contribution; *correspondence author

1. Feng F, Yang Y, Yu Q, Lei D, Ye J, Li K*, Wang B*. Overexpression of ZmSPS2 increases α/γ-tocopherol ratio to improve maize nutritional quality. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2024 Nov 13. doi: 10.1111/pbi.14516.

2.  Zhang S, Chen H, Guo S, Wang C, Jiang K, Cui J, Wang B*. Artemisia annua ZFP8L regulates glandular trichome development. Physiologia Plantarum. 2024 Jul-Aug;176(4):e14461. doi: 10.1111/ppl.14461. PMID: 39105262.

3.  Yang L#, Wang B#, Zhao D, Li X, Qin Y, Ouyang N, Xiao Z, Zhang Z, Galili G, Li J, Peled-Zehavi H, Wu J*. Selective recognition of PTRE1 transcripts mediated by protein-protein interaction between the m6A reader ECT2 and PTRE1. Plant Communications. 2024 Nov 11;5(11):101043. doi: 10.1016/j.xplc.2024.101043.

4. Feng F, Wang Q, Jiang K, Lei D, Huang S, Wu H, Yue G*, Wang B* 2023. Transcriptome analysis reveals ZmERF055 contributes to waterlogging tolerance in sweetcorn. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 204, 108087.

5. Huang D, Zhong G, Zhang S, Jiang K, Wang C, Wu J*, Wang B* 2023. Trichome-specific analysis and weighted gene co-expression correlation network analysis (WGCNA) reveal potential regulation mechanism of artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua. 24, 8473. 

6.  Wang B, Yang R, Zhang Z, Huang S, Ji Z, Zheng W, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Feng F* 2023. Integration of miRNA and mRNA analysis reveals the role of ribosome in to anti-artificial aging in sweetcorn. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 240, 124434.

7. Zhang S, Xu H, Zhong G, Huang D, Jiang K, Wu J* and Wang B* 2023. Promiscuous Artemisia annua glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored lipid transfer protein 1 (AaLTPG1) promotes terpenoids accumulation in planta. Industrial Crops and Products 206, 117684.

8. Xu H, Jiang Z, Lin Z, Yu Q, Song R and Wang B* (2022). FtUGT79A15 is responsible for rutinosylation in flavonoid diglycoside biosynthesis in Fagopyrum tataricum. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 181: 33-41.

9. Wang B #, Yang R#, Ji Z, Zhang H, Zheng W, Zhang H and Feng F* (2022) Evaluation of biochemical and physiological changes in sweet corn seeds under natural aging and artificial accelerated aging. Agronomy 12.

10. Zhang S, Liu J, Zhong G, Wang B* (2021). Genome-wide identification and expression patterns of the C2H2-zinc finger gene family related to stress responses and catechins accumulation in Camellia sinensis [L.] O. Kuntze. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(8).

11. Yang R, Li Y, Zhang Y, Huang J, Liu J, Lin Z, Yu Q, Wu A, Wang B* (2021). Widely targeted metabolomics analysis reveals key quality-related metabolites in kernels of sweet corn. International Journal of Genomics 2021: 2654546.

12. Chen G, Liang H, Zhao Q, Wu A, Wang B* (2020). Exploiting MATE efflux proteins to improve flavonoid accumulation in Camellia sinensis in silico. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 143: 732-743.

13. Chen C#, Chen Z#, Chen J, Huang J, Li H, Sun S, Liu X, Wu A, Wang B* (2020). Profiling of chemical and structural composition of lignocellulosic biomasses in tetraploid rice straw. Polymers 12(2).

14. Wu X, Wang B, Xie F, Zhang L, Gong J, Zhu W, Li X, Feng F*, Huang J* (2020). QTL mapping and transcriptome analysis identify candidate genes regulating pericarp thickness in sweet corn. BMC plant biology 20(1): 117-117.

15. Wang K, Wang B, Hu R, Zhao X, Li H, Zhou G, Song L*, Wu A* (2019). Characterization of hemicelluloses in Phyllostachys edulis (moso bamboo) culm during xylogenesis. Carbohydrate Polymers 221: 127-136.

16. Wang, B #, Kashkooli A. B#, Sallets A, Ting H, de Ruijter N, Olofsson A, Brodelius P, Pottier M, Boutry M, Bouwmeester H, van der Krol A* (2016). Transient production of artemisinin in Nicotiana benthamiana is boosted by a specific lipid transfer protein from A. annua. Metabolic Engineering 38: 159-169.

17. Ting H, Wang B, Rydén A, Woittiez L, van Herpen T, Verstappen F, Ruyter-Spira C, Beekwilder J, Bouwmeester H*, van der Krol A (2013). The metabolite chemotype of Nicotiana benthamiana transiently expressing artemisinin biosynthetic pathway genes is a function of CYP71AV1 type and relative gene dosage. New Phytol 199(2): 352-366.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:水稻ABCG22通过介导ABA分布调控种子萌发的分子机制及育种应用评价, 2025.1-2028.12

2.  国家自然科学基金青年项目:青蒿LTP3蛋白参与青蒿素前体物质胞外分泌和积累的机理研究,2020.01-2022.12


4. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:甜玉米ZmSPS2基因调控籽粒生育酚积累的分子机理,2021.12-2024.12


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