姓 名:连腾祥 | ||||
技术职称:副教授 | ||||
学位学历:博士研究生 | ||||
导师类别:硕士生导师 | ||||
联系电话: | ||||
邮 箱:liantx@scau.edu.cn |
2007年 - 2011年 河北科技师范学院生物技术 理学学士
2011年 - 2016年 中科院东北地理所生态学 理学博士
2016.07-至今 华南农业大学 农学院 作物科学技术系 副教授
2021.08-2022.09 苏黎世联邦理工学院 访问学者
aBiotech, iMeta, European Journal of Soil Biology, 土壤与作物编委/青年编委;中国土壤学会土壤生物与生化专业委员会青年委员。Nature Communications, Trends in Plant Science, Advanced Science等期刊审稿人。
1. Zhang EX, Liu K, Liang SW, Liu LR, Nian, H*, Lian TX*. Investigating the synergistic effects of nano-zinc and biochar in mitigating aluminum toxicity in soybeans. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (2024).
2. Cai Z, Yu T, Tan W, Zhou Q, Liu LR, Nian H*, Lian TX*. GmAMT2.1/2.2-dependent ammonium nitrogen and metabolites shape rhizosphere microbiome assembly to mitigate cadmium toxicity. npj Biofilms Microbiomes 10, 60 (2024).
3. Tan W, Nian H, Tran L S P*, Jin J*, Lian TX*. Small peptides: novel targets for modulating plant–rhizosphere microbe interactions. Trends in Microbiology, 2024.
4. Zhao S#, Liu X#, Banerjee S., Hartmann M, Peng B, Elvers R, Zhao ZY, Zhou N, Liu JJ, Wang BZ, Tian CY*, Jiang JD*, Lian TX*. (2024). Continuous planting of euhalophyte Suaeda salsa enhances microbial diversity and multifunctionality of saline soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90(4), e02355-23.
5. Lian T*, Cheng L, Liu Q, Yu T, Nian H*, Hartmann M*. Potential relevance between soybean nitrogen uptake and rhizosphere prokaryotic communities under waterlogging stress. ISME Communications, 2023, 3, 71.
6. Liu L, Cheng L, Liu K, Yu TB, Liu Q, Gong ZH, Cai ZD, Liu JJ, Zhao XQ, Nian H*, Ma QB*, Lian TX*. Transgenic soybean of GsMYB10 shapes rhizosphere microbes to promote resistance to aluminum (Al) toxicity. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023.
7. Liu Q, Cheng L, Nian H, Jin J, Lian TX*. Linking plant functional genes to rhizosphere microbes: a review. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2023,21,902-917.
8. Liu LR, Hai Nian*, and Tengxiang Lian*. Plants and rhizospheric environment: Affected by zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs). A review. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (2022).
9. Yu TB, Cheng L, Liu Q, Wang SS, Zhou Y, Zhong HB, Tang MF, Nian H*, Lian TX*. Effects of Waterlogging on Soybean Rhizosphere Bacterial Community Using V4, LoopSeq, and PacBio 16S rRNA Sequence. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022.
11. Huang J, Li YF, Li YS, Jin J, Lian TX*. The rhizospheric microbiome becomes more diverse with maize domestication and genetic improvement. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2022 .21(4), 1188-1202.
12. Yuan M, Yu T, Shi QH, Han DW, Yu KC, Wang SR, Xiang H, Wen RH, Nian H* and Lian TX*. Rhizosphere soil bacterial communities of continuous cropping-tolerant and sensitive soybean genotypes respond differently to long-term continuous cropping in Mollisols, Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021.
11. Lian TX#, Huang YY#, Xie XA, Huo X, Shahid MQ, Tian L, Lan T*, Jin J*. Rice SST variation shapes the rhizosphere bacterial community conferring tolerance to salt stress through regulating soil metabolites. mSystems. 2020
12. Shi QH, Liu YT, Shi AQ, Cai ZD, Nian H, Hartmann M, Lian TX* Rhizosphere Soil Fungal Communities of Aluminum-Tolerant and -Sensitive Soybean Genotypes Respond Differently to Aluminum Stress in an Acid Soil. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020. 11:1177
13. Shi QH, Jin J, Liu YT, Zhang YF, Cai ZD, Ma QB, Cheng YB, Wen RH, Nian H*, Lian TX*. Rhizosphere High Aluminum Drives Different Rhizobacterial Communities Between Aluminum-Tolerant and Aluminum-Sensitive Wild Soybean. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020. 11:1996
14. Lian T#, Ma L#, Zeng Y, Chang Scott X, Li Q, Chen X*, Nian H*. Earthworm rather than biochar and sodium silicate addition increased bacterial diversity in mining areas subjected to chemical fertilization. Biochar 2020, 1, 365–374
15. Lian, T.*, Ma, Q., Shi, Q., Cai, Z., Zhang, Y., Cheng, Y., Nian H*. High aluminum stress drives different rhizosphere soil enzyme activities and bacterial community structure between aluminum-tolerant and aluminum-sensitive soybean genotypes. Plant and Soil, 2019, 1-2:409-425
16. Lian TX, Yu ZH, Li YS, Jin J*, Wang GH, Liu XB, Tang CX, Franks A, Liu JJ, Liu JD. The shift of bacterial community composition magnifies over time in response to different sources of soybean residues. Applied Soil Ecology, 2019, 1.
17. Lian TX, Mu YH, Jin J, Ma QB, Cheng YB, Cai ZD, Nian H*. Impact of intercropping on the coupling between soil microbial community structure, activity, and nutrient-use efficiencies. PeerJ, 2019
18. Lian TX, Yu ZH, Liu JJ, Li YS, Wang GH, Liu XB, Herbert Stephen J, Wu JJ, Jin J* Rhizobacterial community structure in response to nitrogen addition varied between two Mollisols differing in soil organic carbon. Scientific Reports. 2018,12280.
19. Lian TX, Mu YY, Ma QB, Cheng YB, Gao R, Cai ZD, Jiang B, Nian H*. Use of sugarcane-soybean intercropping in acid soil impacts the structure of the soil fungal community. Scientific Reports. 2018,14488.
20. Lian TX, Wang GH, Yu ZH, Li YS, Liu XB, Zhang SQ, Herbert Stephen J, Jin J*. Bacterial communities incorporating plant-derived carbon in the soybean rhizosphere in Mollisols that differ in soil organic carbon content. Applied Soil Ecology, 2017, 119:375-383.
21. Lian TX, Jin J*, Wang GH, Tang CX, Yu ZH, Li YS, Liu JJ, Zhang SQ, Liu XB. The fate of soybean residue-carbon links to changes of bacterial community composition in Mollisols differing in soil organic carbon. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2017, 109-50-58.
22. Lian TX, Wang GH, Yu ZH, Li YS, Liu XB, Jin J*. Carbon input from 13C-labelled soybean residues in particulate organic carbon fractions in a Mollisol. Biology Fertil Soils, 2016, 52(3): 331–339.
23. Lian TX, Wang GH, Yu ZH, Li YS, Liu JJ, Liu XB, Jin J*. Critical Level of 13C Enrichment for the Successful Isolation of 13C Labeled DNA. Agri Res and Tech, 2016; 1(2): 555556.
24. Lv J, Guo W, Chen SM, Guo MJ, Yang CX, Lian* TX, Pan HP*. Host Plants Shape the Gut Bacteria of Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata. Plos One. 2019
25. 刘灵锐,曾梓健,年海*,连腾祥*,纳米氧化锌缓解大豆铝胁迫生理机制,华南农业大学学报,2023
25. 禹桃兵,石琪晗,年海*,连腾祥*.涝害对不同大豆品种根际微生物群落结构特征的影响.作物学报. 2020:1-14.
26. 石琪晗,马玲,石奥情,李其斌,曾雅君,马启彬,程艳波,年海*,连腾祥*.废弃矿区大豆根际土壤细菌群落对施肥方式的响应.华南农业大学学报,2020,41(02):55-65.
27. 连腾祥,王光华,于镇华,刘居东,金剑,刘晓冰. (2013). 植物光合碳在根际土壤中的微生物转化与 SIP 技术. 土壤与作物, 2013,2(3):77-83.
1. 连腾祥,年海,刘俊杰,马启彬,程艳波,蔡占东,曹亚琴,一种禾本科植物根系分泌物收集装置及收集方法. 专利号:ZL201911085659.0
2. 连腾祥,金剑,王光华,刘晓冰,刘居东,于镇华,李彦生.一种利用同位素探针研究植物残体腐解的微域装置.专利号: ZL201410270245.6
3. 连腾祥,刘昆,年海,成浪,刘琪. 根瘤菌GZHC2-2菌株及制备、该菌株招募根内生细菌方法及在缓解敏感大豆涝害胁迫的应用. 专利号:ZL202410159243.3授权日:2024年10月1日
4. 连腾祥,刘昆,年海,成浪,刘琪. 根瘤菌GZHC2-2菌株招募根际细菌的方法及在缓解敏感大豆涝害胁迫的应用. 专利号:ZL202410159136.0 授权日:2024年09月6日
5. 连腾祥,刘昆,年海,成浪,刘琪. 根瘤菌GZHC2-2菌株招募根际真菌的方法及在缓解敏感大豆涝害胁迫的应用. 专利号:ZL 2024 1 0159323.9,授权日:2025年03月04日
6. 连腾祥,刘昆,年海,成浪,刘琪. 根瘤菌GZHC2-2菌株招募根内生真菌的方法及在缓解敏感大豆涝害胁迫的应用. 专利号:ZL 2024 1 0159382.6 授权日:2025年02月14日
7. 连腾祥,年海,牟英辉,马启彬,程艳波,蒋彬,蔡占东.一种间作模式下鉴定利用光合碳根际微生物的装置. 专利号:ZL 201820042952.3、
1. 连腾祥.《农产品贸易学》翻转课堂模式探讨. 课程教育研究, 2019(33):238.
2. 主编教材:农田土壤微生物生态学实验教程,2024,978-7-5111-5855-0,中国环境出版社
1. 南方耐逆大豆新种质创制与应用,国家重点研发计划课题,2024/12-2027/11,主持
2. 根瘤菌接种缓解大豆铝毒胁迫的微生物机制研究(32470090),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025/01-2028/12,主持
3. GmMATE75基因调控大豆耐酸铝的微生物协同作用机制(32170115),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022/01-2025/12,主持
4. 华南大豆耐酸铝胁迫的根际微生物机制,广东省一流学科建设项目,2022/01-2025/12,主持
5. 大豆及饲料玉米高效栽培及加工技术应用,广东省农村科技特派员帮扶项目,2024/12-2026/12,主持
6. 广东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队建设,2024/12-2026/12,主持
7. 根瘤菌共生对大豆铝毒胁迫缓解的微生物机制,广州市2024年度基础与应用基础研究专题(优秀博士“续航”项目),2024/1-2025/12, 主持
8. 大田经济作物逆境生理及调控,国家重点研发计划子课题,2018/10-2022/12,主持
9. 耐铝毒大豆根际微生物分子特征研究(31700091),国家自然科学基金青年基金,2018/01-2020/12,主持
10. 高产优质黑大豆品种华春17号及膜侧施肥技术示范推广,广东省农村科技特派员帮扶项目,2018.9.1-2020.9.1,主持