

         姓        名:莫钊文
         邮        箱:scaumozhw@126.com或zwmo@scau.edu.cn



        研究方向为作物栽培技术模式与耕作、作物高产优质高效生理与栽培管理、环境和气候变化与作物抗逆生理响应。1)高产、优质、高效和安全是作物生产的主题,香味是稻米增值的重要性状,以栽培香稻品种为研究材料,通过产量品质分析及农艺和生理性状的测定,研究了耕作措施、营养、植物生长调节物质、新型绿色材料和环境变化等调控香稻产量、品质和香味,研制相关技术措施,并阐明了其生理基础。相关研究结果发表在RiceJournal of Cereal ScienceEcotoxicology  and Environmental Safety等期刊。2)“秧好一半禾,苗好七分收”;因此水稻发芽和幼苗建成及其对逆境的响应是夺取高产的基础。以优质栽培水稻品种为研究材料,利用发芽和幼苗生长分析试验,研究分析环境和气候变化(如金属胁迫、高低温等)对水稻萌发和幼苗建成的影响及其抗逆生理,探寻应用营养、植物生长调节物质和一些新型绿色材料缓解或促进发芽和幼苗建成的技术措施。相关研究结果发表在中国水稻科学、ChemosphereJournal of Nanobiotechnology等期刊。


        2006年 - 2010年  华南农业大学 学士 

        2010年 - 2015年  华南农业大学 博士研究生



        2015年7月 - 今      华南农业大学 任教

        2020年 - 2021年    日本茨城大学农学部Center for International Field Agriculture Research &                         Education 访问学者

        2022年1月-今        华南农业大学农学院  副教授



        Frontiers in Plant Science Review Editor,受邀为中国水稻科学、Journal of Integrative AgricultureApplied Soil EcologyJournal of Agronomy and Crop ScienceFood Review InternationalAnnals of Applied BiologyArchives of Agronomy and Soil SciencePlant Physiology and BiochemistryEnvironmental Science and Pollution ResearchPlant Science等期刊审稿。




1. Wenjun Xie#, Yanhong Li#, Yuzhan Li, Lin Ma, Umair Ashraf, Xiangru Tang*, Shenggang Pan, Hua Tian, Zhaowen Mo*. Application of γ-aminobutyric acid under low light conditions: Effects on yield, aroma, element status, and physiological attributes of fragrant rice. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 213 (2021) 111941 

2. Yuzhan Li#, Luxin Liang#, Wu Li#, Umair Ashraf, Lin Ma, Xiangru Tang*, Shenggang Pan#, Hua Tian, Zhaowen Mo* ZnO nanoparticle based seed priming modulates early growth and enhances physio biochemical and metabolic profiles of fragrant rice against cadmium toxicity. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, (2021) 19:75.

3. Xuwei Liu #, Zhuoli Huang #, Yuzhan Li #, Wenjun Xie, Wu Li *, Xiangru Tang, Umair Ashraf, Kong L, Longmei Wu, Shuli Wang, Zhaowen Mo *. Selenium-silicon (Se-Si) induced modulations in physio-biochemical responses, grain yield, quality, aroma formation and lodging in fragrant rice. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 196: 1105252. 

4. Zhuoli Huang #, Wenjun Xie #, Meng Wang #, Xuwei Liu#, Umair Ashraf, Dejun Qin, Maosen Zhuang, Wu Li, Yuzhan Li, Shuli Wang, Hua Tian *, Zhaowen Mo *. Response of rice genotypes with differential nitrate reductase-dependent NO synthesis to melatonin under ZnO nanoparticles(NPs) stress. Chemosphere, 2020, 250:126337.

5. Wenjun Xie #, Leilei Kong #, Lin Ma #, Umair Ashraf, Shenggang Pan, Meiyang Duan, Hua Tian, Longmei Wu, Xiangru Tang *, Zhaowen Mo *. Enhancement of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) concentration, total yield, and quality in fragrant rice through exogenous γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) application. Journal of Cereal Science, 2020, 91: 102900. 

6. Zhaowen Mo#, Yanhong Li#, Jun Nie#, Longxin He, Shenggang Pan, Meiyang Duan, Hua Tian, Lizhong Xiao, Keyou Zhong, Xiangru Tang *. Nitrogen application and different water regimes at booting stage improved yield and 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) formation in fragrant rice. Rice, 2019, 12: 74.

7. Zhaowen Mo, Yongjian Tang, Umair Ashraf, Shenggang Pan, Meiyang Duan, Hua Tian, Shuli Wang, Xiangru Tang*. Regulations in 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline contents in fragrant rice are associated with water-nitrogen dynamics and plant nutrient contents. Journal of Cereal Science, 2019, 88: 96-102. 

8. 冯活仪,江浩林,王孟,唐湘如,段美洋,潘圣刚,田华,王树丽,莫钊文*. 不同香稻品种苗期耐高温的形态生理响应. 中国水稻科学,2019168-74. 

9. Zhaowen Mo#, Shun Lei#, Umair Ashraf#, Imran Khan, Yuan Li, Shenggang Pan, Meiyang Duan, Hua Tian, Xiangru Tang*. Silicon fertilization modulates 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline content, yield formation and grain quality of aromatic rice. Journal of Cereal Science, 2017, 75: 17-24.

10. 莫钊文,唐湘如,段美洋,潘圣刚,田华,王树丽,钟克友,肖立中.一种提高香稻香气和产量的调控剂〔专利号:ZL 2017 1 1497581.4




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