

         姓        名:孙虎威
         邮        箱:hwsun@scau.edu.cn








2015/09-2017/03 河南农业大学,讲师




2023/03-至今  华南农业大学,副教授


Molecular Plant, New Phytologist, Plant Cell and Environment, The Crop Journal等期刊审稿人。


1. Sun H,Wang H and Chu C*. (2024) Strigolactone regulates nitrogen-phosphorus balance in rice. Science China Life Science. 67(2):428-430. 

2. Guo X, Chen Y, Hu Y, Feng F, Zhu X, Sun H, Li J, Zhao Q*and Sun H*. (2023) OsMADS5 interacts with OsSPL14/17 to inhibit rice root elongation by restricting cell proliferation of root meristem under ammonium supply. The Plant Journal. 116(1):87-99.

3. Sun H, Guo X, Zhu X, Gu P, Zhang W, Tao W, Wang D, Wu Y, Zhao Q, Xu G, Fu X*, Zhang Y*.(2023) Strigolactone and gibberellin signaling coordinately regulate metabolic adaptations to changes in nitrogen availability in rice. Molecular Plant. 16(3):588-598.

4. Sun H*, Li W*, Burritt D, Tian H, Zhang H, Liang X, Miao Y, Mostofa M, Tran LP* (2022) Strigolactones interact with other phytohormones to modulate plant root growth and development. TheCrop Journal. 10(6):1517-1527.

5. Wang B, Guo X, Qi X, Feng F, Zhu X, Hu Y, Li J, Zhao Q*, Sun H* (2022) OsSPL14 is involved in nitrogen-deficiency-induced root elongation in rice. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 198:104852.

6. Sun H*, Guo X, Qi X, Feng F, Xie X, Zhang Y* and Zhao Q* (2021) SPL14/17 act downstream of strigolactone signalling to modulate root elongation in response to nitrate supply in rice. The Plant Journal. 106(3):649-660.

7. Sun H, Bi Y, Tao J, Huang S, Hou M, Xue R, Liang Z, Gu P, Yoneyama K, Xie X, Shen Q, Xu G and Zhang Y* (2016) Strigolactones are required for nitric oxide to induce root elongation in response to nitrogen and phosphate deficiency in rice. Plant, Cell and Environment. 39(7):1473-1484.

8. SunH, Li J, Song W, Tao J, Huang S, Chen S, Hou M, Xu G and Zhang Y* (2015) Nitric oxide generated by nitrate reductase increases nitrogen uptake capacity by inducing lateral root formation and inorganic nitrogen uptake under partial nitrate nutrition in rice.Journal of Experimental Botany. 66(9):2449-2459.

9. Sun H, Tao J, Hou M, Huang S, Chen S, Xie X, Yoneyama K, Xu G and Zhang Y* (2015) A strigolactones signal is required for adventitious root formation in rice. Annals of Botany.115(7):1155-1162.

10. Sun H, Tao J, Xie X, Yoneyama K, Zhang Y* and Xu G (2014) Strigolactones are involved in phosphate- and nitrate-deficiency-induced root development and auxin transport in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65(22):6735-6746.

11. Yan Y, Zhang Z, Sun H, Liu X, Xie J, Qiu Y, Chai T*, Chu C*, Hu B* (2023) Nitrate confers rice adaptation to high ammonium by suppressing its uptake but promoting its assimilation. Molecular Plant. 16(12):1871-1874.

12. Gu P, Tao W, Tao J, Sun H, Hu R, Wang D, Zong G, Xie X, Ruan W, et al. (2023) The D14-SDEL1-SPX4 cascade integrates the strigolactone and phosphate signalling networks in rice. New Phytologist. 239(2):673-686. 

13. Zhao Y, Zhang X, Cheng Y, Du X, Teotia S, Miao C, Sun H, Fan G, Tang G, et al. (2023) The miR167-OsARF12 module regulates grain filling and grain size downstream of miR159. Plant Communications. 20:100604.

14. Huang S, Liang Z, Chen S, Sun H, Fan X, Wang C, Xu G, Zhang Y* (2019) A transcription factor, OsMADS57, regulates long-distance nitrate transport and root elongation.Plant Physiology. 180(2):882-895.


1. 控制水稻根系伸长和分蘖的基因及其应用.申请号: 2023107909353. (1/5)

2. 基因OsMADS5在调控植物根系伸长中的应用.申请号: 2023105105672. (1/5)

3. 基因OsPIN10b的基因工程应用.授权号: CN202011444476.6. (1/3)

4. 基因OsPIN10b在植物根系伸长中的应用.授权号: CN202210852947.X. (1/3)

5. 豫农粳12. 审定编号:豫审稻20190008. (3/5)


1. 2020/5  获河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖 (3/10)

2. 2020/1  获河南省科技进步一等奖 (14/15)

3. 2019/5  获河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖 (14/15)

4. 2016/8  获江苏省优秀博士学位论文


1. 科技创新2030-重大项目:资源高效利用新基因挖掘与育种价值评价. 2023/12-2025/12, 课题主持人;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:低氮调控分蘖基因LNRT1提高水稻低氮适应性的机制研究. 2024/01-2027/12, 主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:独脚金内酯参与miR399调控水稻根系生长及磷吸收转运的机制. 2017/01-2019/12, 主持;

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:转录因子OsbHLH111参与糖信号通路抑制水稻幼苗生长的机理研究. 2019/01-2021/12, 参与;

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:OsbHLH120调控旱稻根粗和根长的分子机理. 2017/01-2020/12, 参与.


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