

         姓        名:张慧
         邮        箱:huizhang@scau.edu.cn





        2007年 - 2011年  华南农业大学 学士

        2011年 - 2014  中国农业大学 硕士

        2014年 - 2018年  美国奥本大学 博士       



        2018年 - 2021年  美国奥本大学 博士后

        2021年 - 至今      华南农业大学 首聘副教授


        担任The Crop Journal, Plos One, BMC Genomics等期刊审稿人


1. Yang, J., Yue, Y., Chen, C., Chen, W., Chen, Y., & Zhang, H*. (2025). Yang J, Yue Y, Chen C, et al. Unraveling the Genetic Architecture of Peanut Pod-Related Traits Via Genome-Wide Association Study. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 1-10.

2. Zhang, H., Tang, Y., Yue, Y., & Chen, Y. (2024). Advances in the evolution research and genetic breeding of peanut. Gene, 148425.

3. Chen, W., Yue, Y., Chen, C., Yang, J., Chen, Y., & Zhang, H*. (2024). Genome‑Wide Association Studies Revealed Genetic Loci and Candidate Genes for Pod‑Related Traits in Peanut. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 1-11.

4. Zhang, H., Dean, L., Wang, M. L., Dang, P., Lamb, M., & Chen, C. (2023). GWAS with principal component analysis identify QTLs associated with main peanut flavor-related traits. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1204415.

5. Zhang, H., Yu, Y., Wang, M., Dang, P., & Chen, C. (2023). Effect of genotype-by-environment interaction on oil and oleic fatty acid contents of cultivated peanuts. Horticulturae, 9(12), 1272.

6. Zhang, H., Zhou, G., Varshney, R. K., & Wan, S. (2023). Editorial: Advances in plant cultivation and physiology of oilseed crops. Frontiers in plant science, 14, 1280392.

7. Zhang, H., Wang, M. L., Schaefer, R., Dang, P., Jiang, T., & Chen, C. (2019). GWAS and co-expression network reveal ionomic variation in cultivated peanut. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 67(43), 12026-12036.

8. Zhang, H., Chu, Y., Dang, P., Tang, Y., Jiang, T., Clevenger, J. P., ... & Chen, C. (2020). Identification of QTLs for resistance to leaf spots in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) through GWAS analysis. Theoretical and applied genetics, 133, 2051-2061.

9. Zhang, H., Hall, N., Goertzen, L. R., Bi, B., Chen, C. Y., Peatman, E., ... & McElroy, J. S. (2019). Development of a goosegrass (Eleusine indica) draft genome and application to weed science research. Pest management science, 75(10), 2776-2784.

10. Zhang, H., Wang, M. L., Dang, P., Jiang, T., Zhao, S., Lamb, M., & Chen, C. (2021). Identification of potential QTLs and genes associated with seed composition traits in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) using GWAS and RNA-Seq analysis. Gene, 769, 145215.

11. Zhang, H., Hall, N., Goertzen, L. R., Chen, C. Y., Peatman, E., Patel, J., & McElroy, J. S. (2019). Transcriptome analysis reveals unique relationships among Eleusine species and heritage of Eleusine coracana. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 9(6), 2029-2036.

12. Zhang, H., Hall, N., McElroy, J. S., Lowe, E. K., & Goertzen, L. R. (2017). Complete plastid genome sequence of goosegrass (Eleusine indica) and comparison with other Poaceae. Gene, 600, 36-43.

13. Hall, N. D., Zhang, H., Mower, J. P., McElroy, J. S., & Goertzen, L. R. (2020). The mitochondrial genome of Eleusine indica and characterization of gene content within Poaceae. Genome Biology and Evolution, 12(1), 3684-3697.

14. Yin, D., Ji, C., Song, Q., Zhang, W., Zhang, X., Zhao, K., ... Zhang, H., & Chen, Z. J. (2020). Comparison of Arachis monticola with diploid and cultivated tetraploid genomes reveals asymmetric subgenome evolution and improvement of peanut. Advanced Science, 7(4), 1901672.

15. Liu, X., Bi, B., Xu, X., Li, B., Tian, S., Wang, J., Zhang, H., ... & McElroy, J. S. (2019). Rapid identification of a candidate nicosulfuron sensitivity gene (Nss) in maize (Zea mays L.) via combining bulked segregant analysis and RNA-seq. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132, 1351-1361.

16. Li, L., Yang, X., Cui, S., Meng, X., Mu, G., Hou, M., ... Zhang, H.,  & Chen, C. Y. (2019). Construction of high-density genetic map and mapping quantitative trait loci for growth habit-related traits of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 745.

17. McCullough, P. E., Yu, J., McElroy, J. S., Chen, S., Zhang, H., Grey, T. L., & Czarnota, M. A. (2016). ALSresistant annual sedge (Cyperus compressus) confirmed in turfgrass. Weed Science, 64(1), 33-41.

18. Tehranchian, P., Norsworthy, J. K., Palhano, M., Korres, N. E., McElroy, S., Zhang, H., ... & Scott, R. C. (2016). The Evidence for Reduced Glyphosate Efficacy on Acetolactate SynthaseInhibiting Herbicide-Resistant Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus). Weed Science, 64(3), 389-398.

19. McCullough, P. E., McElroy, J. S., Yu, J., Zhang, H., Miller, T. B., Chen, S., ... & Czarnota, M. A. (2016). ALS-resistant spotted spurge (Chamaesyce maculata) confirmed in Georgia. Weed Science, 64(2), 216-222.

20. Chen, T., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Zeng, R., Chen, Y., Zhang, H., ... & Zhang, L. (2021). Monoseeding Increases Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Yield by Regulating Shade-Avoidance Responses and Population Density. Plants, 10(11), 2405.

21. Zeng, R., Chen, T., Zhang, H., Cao, J., Li, X., Wang, X., ... & Zhang, L. (2023). Effect of waterlogging stress on grain nutritional quality and pod yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 209(2), 286-299.

22. Liu, S., Zhang, B., Yang, W., Chen, T., Zhang, H., Lin, Y., ... & Zhang, L. (2023). Quantification of physiological parameters of rice varieties based on multi-spectral remote sensing and machine learning models. Remote Sensing, 15(2), 453.

23. Li, J., Zeng, R., Huang, Z., Gao, H., Liu, S., Gao, Y., ... Zhang, H.,  & Chen, T. (2023). Genome-wide characterization of major latex protein gene family in peanut and expression analyses under drought and waterlogging stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1152824.

24. Chen, T., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Zeng, R., Yao, S., Gao, Y., ... Zhang, H.,  & Zhang, L. (2023). Seasonal differences in yield and fertilizer use efficiency of different low-calcium-tolerant peanut varieties in response to the timing and splitting of calcium application in southern China. European Journal of Agronomy, 151, 126988.

25. 副主编《中国高油酸花生》一部。


1. 基于同源基因推断算法的花生泛基因组数据库构建及其应用(广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,主持,2024A15150120222024-2026)。

2. 花生籽仁含油量进化的分子机制(广东省区域联合基金-青年基金项目,主持,2023A15151101992023-2026)。

3. 花生籽仁油脂含量相关基因AhGTE4 的克隆与功能验证(广州市科技局项目,主持,2023A04J14492023-2025)。

4. 华南农业大学“作物学”学科建设专项(人才引进专项,主持,2021B105640012022-2025)。

5. 华南农业大学研究生教育创新计划—《作物分子生理学》一般性全英文课程建设(主持,2022)。

6. 华南农业大学农学院研究生教育教学研究和改革项目—国际化背景下基于“双一流”建设的作物学研究生全英课程《作物分子生理学》教学改革与实践 (主持,2023)。

7. 华南农业大学研究生教育创新计划—《作物分子生理学(全英)》课程思政建设(主持,2024)。

8. 华南农业大学教育教学研究和改革项目—国际化背景下基于“双一流”建设的作物学本科生全英课程教学模式研究—以《生物信息学》为例 (主持,校级重点项目,2024-2027)。

9. 华南农业大学教育教学研究和改革项目—国际化背景下基于“双一流”建设的作物学本科生全英课程教学模式研究—以《生物信息学》为例(主持,广东省教改项目,2024-2027)。



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