

         姓        名:赵哲
         邮        箱:zzhao@scau.edu.cn


赵哲,首聘副教授,主要从事杂交稻育性基因的进化、分子机制和应用研究。现已在Nat. Commun.Mol. PlantSci. Bull.Sci. China Life Sci.等杂志发表第一作者SCI论文多篇,主持国家自然科学青年基金和博士后科学基金项目,以骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目多项。









2024-至今      华南农业大学农学院  首聘副教授

2022-2023年  爱达荷大学访问学者

2020-2024年  华南农业大学作物学博士后



1. 李福权, 张瑞祥, 赵哲, 陈乐天*, 谢先荣*. (2024). 基因编辑设计和分析辅助工具的研究进展. 科学通报 doi: 10.1360/TB-2023-1334.

2. Zhao Z#, Ding Z#, Huang J, Meng H, Zhang Z, Gou X, Tang H, Xie X, Ping J, Xiao F, Liu Y-G, Xie Y*, Chen L*. (2023). Copy number variation of the restorer Rf4 underlies human selection of three-line hybrid rice breeding. Nat. Commun. 14, 7333. (Highlight by Journal of Integrative Plant Biology)

3. Zhao Z#, Shen R#, Liu Y-G*. (2023).Hybrid sterility genes with driving force for speciation in rice. Sci. Bull. 68, 1845–1848.

4. Zhao Z#, Xie X#, Liu W#, Huang J, Tan J, Yu H, Zong W, Tang J, Zhao Y, Xue Y, Chu Z, Chen L*, Liu Y-G*. (2022). STI PCR: An efficient method for amplification and de novo synthesis of long DNA sequences. Mol. Plant. 15, 620629.

5. Zheng Y, Zhang S, Luo Y, Li F, Tan J, Wang B, Zhao Z, Lin H, Zhang T, Liu J, Liu X, Guo J, Xie X, Chen L, Liu Y-G*, Chu Z*. (2022). Rice OsUBR7 modulates plant height by regulating histone H2B monoubiquitination and cell proliferation. Plant Comm. 3, 100412.

6. Han# J, Wang X#, Wang F#, Zhao Z, Li G, X Zhu, Su J*, Chen L*. (2021). The fungal effector Avr-Pita suppresses innate immunity by increasing COX activity in rice mitochondria. Rice 14, 12.

7. Zhao Z#, Zhang Z#, Ding Z, Meng H, Shen R, Tang H, Liu Y-G, Chen L*. (2020). Public-transcriptome-database-assisted selection and validation of reliable reference genes for qRT-PCR in rice. Sci. China Life Sci. 63, 92101.

8. Xie# X, Zhang Z#, Zhao Z, Xie Y, Li H, Ma X, Liu Y-G, Chen L*. (2020). The mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, OsALDH2b negatively regulates tapetum degeneration in rice. J. Exp. Bot. 71, 25512560.

9. Hao Y#, Zong W#, Zeng D, Han J, Chen S, Tang J, Zhao Z, Li X, Ma K, Xie X, Zhu Q, Chen Y, Zhao X, Guo J*, Liu Y-G*. (2020). Shortened snRNA promoters for efficient CRISPR/Cas-based multiplex genome editing in monocot plants. Sci. China Life Sci. 63, 933–935.

10. Zeng D, Liu T, Ma X, Wang B, Zheng Z, Zhang Y, Xie X, Yang B, Zhao Z, Zhu Q*, Liu Y-G*. (2020). Quantitative regulation of Waxy expression by CRISPR/Cas9-based promoter and 5'UTR-intron editing improves grain quality in rice. Plant Biotechnol. J. 18, 2385–2387.



1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目(2022-2024,在研)

2. 博士后科学基金项目(二等资助)(2020-2021,结题)



1. 2023“作物科学青年发展论坛暨博士后学术交流会”优秀报告奖

2. 2023年“作物科学青年发展论坛暨博士后学术交流会”优秀墙报奖

3. 2020年华南农业大学优秀博士毕业论文


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