

         姓        名:刘伟
         邮        箱wei.liu@scau.edu.cn













论文著作 (*co-first author)      

1. Liu, W*., Lowrey, H*., Leung, C.C., Adamchek, C., Du, J., He, J., Chen, M., and Gendron, J.M. (2024). A circadian clock output functions independently of phyB to sustain daytime PIF3 degradation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 121(35):e2408322121.

2. Wang, Q., Liu, W., Leung, C.C., Tarte, D.A., and Gendron, J.M. (2024). Plants distinguish different photoperiods to independently control seasonal flowering and growth. Science 383, eadg9196.

-Highlighted by Buckley and Haydon (2024) Time for Growth. Science 383(6683):589-590.

3. Wang, Y.H., Liu, W., Cheng, J., Li, R.J., Wen, J., Mysore, K.S., Xie, Z.P., Reinhardt, D., and Staehelin, C. (2023). An extracellular β-N-acetylhexosaminidase of Medicago truncatula hydrolyzes chitooligosaccharides and is involved in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis but not required for nodulation. New Phytol.239, 1954-1973.

4. Sepulveda, C., Guzman, M.A., Li, Q., Villaecija-Aguilar, J.A., Martinez, S.E., Kamran, M., Khosla, A., Liu, W., Gendron, J.M., Gutjahr, C., Waters, M.T., and Nelson, D.C. (2022). KARRIKIN UP-REGULATED F-BOX 1 (KUF1) imposes negative feedback regulation of karrikin and KAI2 ligand metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A119, e2112820119.

5. Liu, W., Feke, A., Leung, C.C., Tarté, D.A., Yuan, W., Vanderwall, M., Sager, G., Wu, X., Schear, A., Clark, D.A., Thines, B.C., and Gendron, J.M. (2021). A metabolic daylength measurement system mediates winter photoperiodism in plants. Dev. Cell 56(17):2501-2515.e5.

6. Gendron, J.M., Leung, C.C., and Liu, W. (2021). Energy as a seasonal signal for growth and reproduction. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 63, 102092.

7. Feke, A., Vanderwall, M., Liu, W., and Gendron, J.M. (2021). Functional domain studies uncover novel roles for the ZTL Kelch repeat domain in clock function. PloS One16, e0235938.

8. Liu, W. and Gendron, J.M. (2020). Same Concept Different Outcomes: Sugars Determine Circadian Clock Protein Fate in Animals and Plants. Mol. Plant 13:360–362.

9. Feke, A.M., Hong, J., Liu, W., and Gendron, J.M. (2020). A Decoy Library Uncovers U-Box E3 Ubiquitin Ligases That Regulate Flowering Time in Arabidopsis. Genetics. 215(3):699–712.

10. He, L., Lei, Y., Li, X., Peng, Q., Liu, W., Jiao, K., Su, S., Hu, Z., Shen, Z., and Luo, D. (2020) Symmetric petals 1 encodes an ALOG domain protein that controls floral organ internal asymmetry in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(11):1–15.

11. Feke, A., Liu, W., Hong, J., Li, M.-W., Lee, C.-M., Zhou, E.K., and Gendron, J.M. (2019). Decoys provide a scalable platform for the identification of plant E3 ubiquitin ligases that regulate circadian function. eLife 8, e44558.

12. Li, X*., Liu, W*., Zhuang, L., Zhu, Y., Wang, F., Chen, T., Yang, J., Ambrose, M., Hu, Z., Weller, J., and Luo, D. (2019). BIGGER ORGANS and ELEPHANT EAR-LIKE LEAF1 control organ size and floral organ internal asymmetry in pea. J. Exp. Bot.70(1), 179–191.

13. Lee, C.-M., Li, M.-W., Feke, A., Liu, W., Saffer, A.M., and Gendron, J.M. (2019). GIGANTEA recruits the UBP12 and UBP13 deubiquitylates to regulate accumulation of the ZTL photoreceptor complex. Nat. Commun.10(1), 3750.

14. Li, M.-W., Liu, W., Lam, H.-M., and Gendron, J.M. (2018). Characterization of Two Growth Period QTLs Reveals Modification of PRR3 Genes During Soybean Domestication. Plant Cell Physiol. 60(2), 407–420.

15.  Cai, J., Zhang, L.-Y., Liu, W., Tian, Y., Xiong, J.-S., Wang, Y.-H., Li, R.-J., Li, H.-M., Wen, J., Mysore, K.S., Boller, T., Xie, Z.-P., and Staehelin, C. (2018). Role of the Nod Factor Hydrolase MtNFH1 in Regulating Nod Factor Levels during Rhizobial Infection and in Mature Nodules of Medicago truncatula. Plant Cell 30(2), 397– 414.

16.  Liu, Y.C., Lei, Y.W., Liu, W., Weng, L., Lei, M.J., Hu, X.H., Dong, Z.C., Luo, D., and Yang, J. (2018). LjCOCH interplays with LjAPP1 to maintain the nodule development in Lotus japonicus. Plant Growth Regul. 85, 267-279.

17.  Zhang, L.-Y., Cai, J., Li, R. J., Liu, W., Wagner, C., Wong, K. B., Xie, Z.-P., and Staehelin, C. (2016). A single amino acid substitution in a chitinase of the legume Medicago truncatula is sufficient to gain Nod factor hydrolase activity. Open Biol. 6(7).

18.  Tian, Y*., Liu, W*., Cai, J., Zhang, L.-Y., Wong, K.-B., Feddermann, N., Boller, T., Xie, Z.iP., and Staehelin, C. (2013). The Nodulation Factor Hydrolase of Medicago truncatula: Characterization of an Enzyme Specifically Cleaving Rhizobial Nodulation Signals. Plant Physiol.163(3), 1179 – 1190.



1. 华南农业大学高层次引进人才项目(拔尖人才)项目,2025-2028年,主持;

 2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(一等)2014-2015年,主持。




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