

         姓        名:张艳霞




         邮         箱:yanxia.zhang@scau.edu.cn





1. 植物根系可塑性生长响应盐害等胁迫条件的分子机制;

2. 植物激素独脚金内酯参与根系生长及逆境应答的分子机制;

3. 植物根冠通讯响应胁迫的分子机制。


Environmental Control of Crop Root System Biology

Soil salinity is one of the major abiotic factors negatively affecting global crop production. Major crop species such as rice, maize, potato and soybean are very sensitive to salinity stress. Optimal root growth is crucial for plants to absorb water and nutrients to achieve high yields in the ever-changing climate. Research in Crop Root Biology Lab led by Dr. Yanxia Zhang in College of Agriculture, SCAU focuses on understanding how plants thrive under stress conditions through their root systems. We aim to understand the following questions to contribute to the field: (1) the molecular mechanisms of root system growth regulation in response to salinity; (2) how phytohormones, in particular strigolactones, mediate stress response and root growth. We study major crops from monocotyledonous Oryza species to dicotyledonous Solanaceae to provide molecular knowledge to aid crop engineering for stress resilience.



学士(B.sc)         生物科学             2006.6                                         佳木斯大学

硕士(M.sc)          植物学               2009.1                                        北京林业大学

博士(Ph.D)       植物生理学         2014.9                      Wageningen University& Research


工作经历( Positions and Roles)

2014.9 - 2016.7                 博士后(postdoc)                        Wageningen University& Research

2016.8 - 2018.2                 博士后 (postdoc)                                       University of Amsterdam

2018.3 - 2022.11           博士后研究员(researcher)            Wageningen University& Research

2018  -          博士生导师(PhD co-promotor)        Wageningen University& Research

2023.1 -                             首聘教授                                                    华南农业大学农学院 


学术服务(Peer Review Activities)


Frontiers in Plant Science评审编辑

Nature plantsPNASPlant Physiology等期刊审稿人



代表性论文著作(Selected publications):  

# Equal contribution; * correspondence author

1. Zhang Y.*, Li Y., de Zeeuw T., Duijts K., Kawa D., Lamers J., Munzert K. S., Li H., Zou Y., Meyer A.J., Yan J., Verstappen F., Wang Y., Gijsberts T., Wang J., Gigli-Bisceglia N., Engelsdorf T., van Dijk A. D. J., Testerink C.* (2024). Root branching under high salinity requires auxin-independent modulation of LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARY DOMAIN 16 function. The Plant Cell, 36(4): 899-918

2. Zou Y., Gigli-Bisceglia N.,van Zelm E., Kokkinopoulou P., Julkowska M., Besten M., Nguyen T.P., Li H., Lamers J., de Zeeuw T., Dongus J.A., Zeng Y., Cheng Y., Koevoets I.T., Jørgensen B., Giesbers M., Vroom J., Ketelaar T., Petersen B.L., Engelsdorf T., Sprakel J., Zhang Y.*, Testerink C.*(2024). Arabinosylation of cell wall extensin is required for the directional response to salinity in roots, The Plant Cell, koae135, https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koae135

3. Liu C., Mao B.,Zhang, Y., Tian L., Ma B., Chen Z., Wei Z., Li A., Shao Y., Cheng G., et al. (2024). The OsWRKY72–OsAAT30/OsGSTU26 module mediates reactive oxygen species scavenging to drive heterosis for salt tolerance in hybrid rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 66: 709-730

4. Li H, Duijts K, Pasini C, van Santen E. J, Lamers J, de Zeeuw T, Verstappen F, Wang N, Zeeman C. S, Santelia D, Zhang Y*, Testerink C* (2023) Effective root responses to salinity stress include maintained cell expansion and carbon allocation. New Phytologist, 238(5):1942-1956

5. Li H, Testerink C.*, Zhang Y* (2021) How roots and shoots communicate through   stressful times. Trends in Plant Science, 26 (9), 940-952

6. Zou Y., Zhang Y., Testerink C.(2021) Root dynamic growth strategies in response tosalinity. Plant, Cell & Environment,  45(3):695-704

7. Van Zelm E.#, Zhang Y.#, Testerink C. (2020) Salt tolerance mechanisms of plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 71, 403-433

8. Zhang Y, Cheng X, Wang Y, Díez-Simón C, Flokova K, Bimbo A, Bouwmeester HJ, Ruyter-Spira C (2018) The tomato MAX1 homolog, SlMAX1, is involved in the biosynthesis of tomato strigolactones from carlactone. New Phytologist, 219, 297–309

9. Visentin I, Vitali M, Ferrero M, Zhang Y, Ruyter-Spira C, Novák O, Strnad M,Lovisolo C, Schubert A, Cardinale F (2016) Low levels of strigolactones in roots as a component of the systemic signal of drought stress in tomato. New Phytologist, 212, 954-963

10. Zhang Y, Ruyter-Spira C, Bouwmeester HJ (2015) Engineering the plant rhizosphere. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 32, 136-142

11. Zhang Y, van Dijk ADJ, Scaffidi A, Flematti GR, Hofmann M, Charnikhova T, Verstappen F, Hepworth J, van der Krol S, Leyser O, Smith SM, Zwanenburg B, Al-Babili S, Ruyter-Spira C, Bouwmeester HJ (2014) Rice cytochrome P450 MAX1 homologs catalyse distinct steps in strigolactone biosynthesis. Nature Chemical Biology,10, 1028-1033

12. Cardoso C#, Zhang Y#, Jamil M#, Hepworth J#, Charnikhova T, Dimkpa SON, Meharg C, Wright MH, Liu JW, Meng XB, Wang YH, Li JY, McCouch SR, Leyser O, Price AH, Bouwmeester HJ, Ruyter-Spira C (2014) Natural variation of rice strigolactone biosynthesis is associated with the deletion of two MAX1 orthologs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111: 2379

13. Liu Q#, Zhang Y#, Matusova R, Charnikhova T, Amini M, Jamil M, Fernandez-Aparicio M, Huang K, Timko MP, Westwood JH, Ruyter-Spira C, van der Krol S. Bouwmeester HJ (2014) Striga hermonthica MAX2 restores branching but not the Very Low Fluence Response in the Arabidopsis thaliana max2 mutant. New Phytologist, 202: 531-541


1. 科技创新2030,农业生物资源高效利用新基因挖掘与育种价值评价子课题,2023ZD0407201032023-122025-12,在研,主持

2. Rooting in salt: gene regulatory networks that guide root developmental plasticity, 荷兰科学组织(NWO) Open Competition Domain Science Klein 项目(OCENW.KLEIN.421),350k€,2021-2025,在研,参与主持

3. Global analysis of the salt stress-induced transcriptome and RNA degradome in Arabidopsis roots, 荷兰健康研究与发展组织(ZonMW)青年项目(435004012),29.99k€,2018-2019,结题,主持


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