

         姓        名:赫圣博
         邮        箱:shengbo.he@scau.edu.cn







        2002年 - 2006年  河南大学 学士学位

        2006年 - 2009年  上海交通大学生命科学技术学院 硕士学位 

        2009年 - 2015年  上海交通大学农业与生物学院 博士学位


        2015年 - 2021年  英国John Innes Centre  博士后

        2021年 -               华南农业大学农学院  首聘教授





1. 2024年农业农村部农业生物育种重大项目子课题负责人

2. 2024年国家自然科学基金面上项目

3. 2023年广东省自然科学基金面上项目

4. 2024年广州市基础与应用基础研究科技菁英领航项目


New Crops青年编委;Nature Communications, Genome Biology, Plant Physiology, Communications Biology等杂志审稿人。




1. Shengbo He#, Yiming Yu#, Liang Wang#, Jingyi Zhang, Zhengyong Bai, Guohong Li, Pilong Li, Xiaoqi Feng*. 2024. Linker histone H1 drives heterochromatin condensation via phase separation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell koae034. (#Equal contributions)

2. Toby Buttress#, Shengbo He#, Liang Wang#, Shaoli Zhou#, Gerhard Saalbach, Martin Vickers, Guohong Li, Pilong Li*, Xiaoqi Feng*. 2022. Histone H2B.8 compacts flowering plant sperm through chromatin phase separation. Nature 611(7936):614-622. (#Equal contributions)

3. Shengbo He, Martin Vickers, Jingyi Zhang, and Xiaoqi Feng. 2019. Natural depletion of H1 in sex cells causes DNA demethylation, heterochromatin decondensation and transposon activation. eLife 8 e42530.

4. Zhilei Mao#, Shengbo He#, Feng Xu#, Wenxiu Wang, Ting Li, Pengbo Xu, Shasha Du, Ling Li, Hongli Lian, and Hong-Quan Yang. 2020. CRY1 and phyB interact directly with ARF6 and ARF8 to regulate auxin-responsive gene expression and hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. 225(2):848-865. (#Equal contributions)

5. Yunhe Wang, Shengbo He*, and Xiaofeng Fang*. 2023. Emerging roles of phase separation in plant transcription and chromatin organization. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 75:102387. (*co-corresponding authors)

6. Shengbo He and Xiaoqi Feng. 2022. DNA methylation dynamics during germline development. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 64(12):2240-2251.

7. Feng Xu#, Shengbo He#, Jingyi Zhang, Zhilei Mao, Wenxiu Wang, Ting Li, Jie Hua, Shasha Du, Pengbo Xu, Ling Li, Hongli Lian, and Hong-Quan Yang. 2018. Photoactivated CRY1 and phyB Interact Directly with AUX/IAA Proteins to Inhibit Auxin Signaling in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant 11(4):523-541. (#Equal contributions)

8. Ping-Hung Hsieh#, Shengbo He#, Toby Buttress, Hongbo Gao, Matthew Couchman, Robert L. Fischer, Daniel Zilberman, and Xiaoqi Feng. 2016. Arabidopsis male sexual lineage exhibits more robust maintenance of CG methylation than somatic tissues. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113(52):15132-15137. (#Equal contributions)

9. Sheng-Bo He, Wen-Xiu Wang, Jing-Yi Zhang, Feng Xu, Hong-Li Lian, Ling Li and Hong-Quan Yang. 2015. The CNT1 Domain of Arabidopsis CRY1 Alone Is Sufficient to Mediate Blue-Light Inhibition of Hypocotyl Elongation. Mol. Plant 8(5):822-825.


1. Jingyi Zhang and Shengbo He*. 2021. Tobacco System for Studying Protein Colocalization and Interactions. Methods in Molecular Biology 2297:167-174. (*Corresponding)

2. Jingyi Zhang and Shengbo He*. 2021. Co-immunoprecipitation Assay for Blue Light-Dependent Protein Interactions in Plants. Methods in Molecular Biology 2297:141-146. (*Corresponding)

3. Jingyi Zhang,Sheng-Bo He, Ling Li, and Hong-Quan Yang. 2014. Auxin Inhibits Stomatal Development through MONOPTEROS Repression of A Mobile Peptide Gene STOMAGEN in Mesophyll. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111(29):E3015-3023.

4. Hongli Lian#, Pengbo Xu#, Shengbo He, Jun Wu, Jian Pan, Wenxiu Wang, Feng Xu, Sheng Wang, Junsong Pan, Jirong Huang, and Hong-Quan Yang. 2018. Photoexcited CRYPTOCHROME 1 Interacts Directly with G-Protein β Subunit AGB1 to Regulate the DNA-Binding Activity of HY5 and Photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 11(10):1248-1263. (#Equal contributions)

5. Qian Luo, Hong-Li Lian, Sheng-Bo He, Ling Li, Kun-Peng Jia, and Hong-Quan Yang. 2014. COP1 and PhyB Physically Interact with PIL1 to Regulate Its Stability and Photomorphogenic Development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26(6):2441-2456.

6. Kun-Peng Jia, Qian Luo, Sheng-Bo He, Xue-Dan Lu and Hong-Quan Yang. 2014. Strigolactone-Regulated Hypocotyl Elongation Is Dependent on Cryptochrome and Phytochrome Signaling Pathways in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 7(3):528-40.

7. Hong-Li Lian, Sheng-Bo He, Yan-Chun Zhang, Dan-Meng Zhu, Jing-Yi Zhang, Kun-Peng Jia, Shu-Xia Sun, Ling Li, and Hong-Quan Yang. 2011. Blue-Light-Dependent Interaction of Cryptochrome 1 with SPA1 Defines A Dynamic Signaling Mechanism. Genes Dev. 25(10):1023-8.

8. Xin Li, Sheng-Bo He, Li-Li Zhuang, Shusei Sato, Satoshi Tabata, Mike Ambrose, Catherine Rameau, Jun Yang, Xiao-He Hu, and Da Luo. 2010. Genetic Analysis and Comparative Mapping of BIO and ELE2 Loci in Lotus japonicus and Pea. Genomics and Applied Biology 29(1):3-9.

9. Sheng-Bo He#, Wei He#, Hong-Qi Chen, Xu-Dong Zhu, Jun Yang, Xiao-He Hu, and Da Luo. 2009. Characterization and Mapping of Rice Mutants, des2 and des5. Genomics and Applied Biology 28(1):1-9. (#Equal contributions)

10. Pingtao Ding*, Toshiyuki Sakai, Ram Krishna Shrestha, Nicolas Manosalva Perez, Wenbin Guo, Bruno Pok Man Ngou, Shengbo He, Chang Liu, Xiaoqi Feng, Runxuan Zhang, Klaas Vandepoele, Dan MacLean, Jonathan DG Jones*. 2021. Chromatin accessibility landscapes activated by cell surface and intracellular immune receptors. J. Exp. Biol. erab373.


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