

         姓        名:陈乐天
         邮        箱:lotichen@scau.edu.cn






2003.10-2010.09 日本奈良先端科学技术大学院大学生物学专业 生物学博士

2000.09-2003.06 华南农业大学作物遗传育种专业 农学博士

1997.09-2000.06 暨南大学生化与分子生物学专业 理学硕士

1992.09-1996.06 暨南大学生物工程技术专业 理学学士



2019.12-2022.3 华南农业大学生命科学学院院长


2003-2010日本奈良先端科学技术大学院大学 博士后研究员

1996-1997 清远市广才有限公司助理工程师



40. 2024入选华南农业大学丁颖学者A岗特聘教授

39. 2024广东省高校教师教学创新大赛特等奖(第二)

38. 2023入选全国归侨侨眷先进个人

37. 2023当选广东省政协委员

36. 2022国家高层次人才特殊支持计划(万人计划)科技领军人才

35. 2022广东省教学成果奖特等奖(第三)

34. 2022华南农业大学“教学名师”

33. 2021华南农业大学教学成果奖一等奖(第三)

32. 2021广东省首届种业科技创新大比武冠军金星奖(第二)

31. 2021国际iGEM竞赛全球总决赛金奖(指导老师)

30. 2021广东省五一劳动奖状(负责人)

29. 2021广东省教育系统优秀党务工作者

28. 2020广东省劳动模范

27. 2020国务院政府津贴专家

26. 2019国家“百千万人才工程”

25. 2019国家有突出贡献中青年专家

24. 2019华南农业大学“我最喜爱的导师”

23. 2019华南农业大学“优秀党务工作者”

22. 2019华南农业大学首届“师德标兵”

21. 2018国际iGEM竞赛全球总决赛银奖(指导老师)

20. 2018教育部首批全国高校“双带头人” 教师支部书记工作室(负责人)

19. 2018广东省高校优秀基础党组织书记工作案例一等奖

18. 2018“感动广州的教师”提名奖

17. 201820届广东省五四青年奖章集体团队负责人)

16. 2017第十四届广东省丁颖科技奖

15. 2017第十届大北农科技奖(排名第四)

14. 2017华南农业大学2015-2017年度“十佳班主任”

13. 2016广东省珠江学者特聘教授

12. 2016国际iGEM全球总决赛金奖(指导老师)

11. 2016第六届中国侨界(创新人才)贡献奖 

10. 2015广东省“南粤优秀教师”称号

9. 2015广东省“百名优秀德育教师”

8. 2015国际iGEM 2014年全球总决赛金奖(指导老师)

7. 2015华南农业大学2013-2014年度“三育人”教书育人先进个人

6. 2014国际基因工程机器竞赛(简称iGEM) 2013年亚洲区赛金奖(指导老师)

5. 2014华南农业大学2013年度“优秀共产党员”

4. 2013华南农业大学2011-2012年度“优秀班主任”

3. 2012教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划

2. 2012广东省第六届生化技能大赛优秀指导老师二等奖

1. 2012广东省科学技术奖一等奖(排名第十)






国际学术期刊J Integr Plant Biol编委(2019-至今)

国际学术期刊Front Plant-Microbe Interact 编委(2011-2018

Reprod and Breed期刊编委(2020-至今)















24. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32370371OsCDKC2调控水稻种间杂种不育的分子机理,2024/01-2027/12,在研,主持

23. 国家“万人计划”科技领军人才,2022/12/1-2025/12/1,在研,主持

22. “十四五”广东省农业科技创新十大主攻方向“揭榜挂帅”项目,2022SDZG05,广东重要农作物功能基因挖掘与应用,2022/07/18-2025/07/17,在研,主持

21. 广东省普通高校创新团队项目,籼粳亚种间杂种优势利用关键性状分子遗传基础,2019/05/01-2022/04/30,结题,排名第四,主持

20. 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室双聘团队项目,2022/01-2024/12,在研,排名第三

19. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,32030080Sa座位调控水稻杂种不育和反温敏不育双重功能的分子机理研究及利用,2021/01-2025/12,在研,主持

18. 广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目,水稻高产优质关键性状的分子机理解析及种质创新,2020/01-2024/12,在研,排名第二

17. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目,籼粳亚种间杂种优势利用,2020/01-2024/12,在研,排名第四

16. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31772104,水稻钙依赖蛋白激酶OsCDPK19介导双重抗性的分子机理研究,2018/01-2021/12,结题,主持

15. 广州市科技计划重点项目,201707020016,水稻远缘杂种不育分子机理研究及杂种亲和系的创建,2017/07-2020/12,结题,主持

14. 国家重点研发计划主要农作物杂种优势形成与利用机理项目子课题,2016YFD0100804,水稻雄性不育相关农艺性状分子机理研究及新型不育系创建,2016/07-2020/12,结题,主持

13. 国家重点研发计划主要农作物抗病虫抗逆性状形成的分子基础项目子课题,2016YFD0100601,水稻抗病负调控基因的分子克隆和机理研究及应用,2016/07-2020/12,结题,主持

12. 珠江学者(特聘教授)特别资助,2016/10/1-2021/9/30,植物分子遗传学

11. 广东省高等学校特色创新研究项目,粤教科(20153号,菟丝子寄生植物的分子机理研究,2015/01-2016/12,结题,主持

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31471564,水稻籼粳杂种不育Sa复合体的分子机理研究,2015/01-2018/12,结题,主持

9. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划NCET-12-0642,水稻天然免疫缺陷特性的分子机理研究,2013/01-2015/12,结题,主持

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31171350,病原菌侵染过程中水稻几丁质受体在天然免疫信号传导是的动态研究,2012/01-2015/12,结题,主持

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31071646,稻瘟病抗性蛋白(Pi-ta)与无毒蛋白(Avr-pita)细胞内可视化和分子识别机理研究,2011/01-2013/12,结题,主持

6. 留学回国人员择优资助重点项目,人社部函(2011508号,病原菌无毒蛋白的植物互作蛋白功能研究,2011/10-2013/12,结题,主持

5. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,教外司留【20121707号,植物细胞内诱导表达病原无毒蛋白的基因调控网络研究,2013/01-2015/12,结题,主持

4. 广东省高等学校人才引进专项基金,粤财教(201168号,稻瘟病抗性蛋白与无毒蛋白的分子识别机理研究,2011/01-2013/12,结题,主持

3. 亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室课题,M15008,顺式沉默子与反式抑制复合体协同作用抑制Eui1的表达,2015/01-2015/12;结题,主持

2. 亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室课题, 2014/01-2014/12,结题,主持

1. 华南农业大学校长基金,K11006,利用酵母双杂交系统筛选与病原菌蛋白相互作用的水稻蛋白因子,2011/01-2012/12,结题,主持


在水稻杂种优势利用相关性状分子机理方面取得一系列重要成果,在国际权威刊物Annu Rev Plant BiolCell Host MicrobeMol PlantNat CommunPlant Cell等发表论文近90篇(含第一或通讯作者论文43篇),累积SCI影响因子(IF)共计800多分,论文引用次数近7000次;授权发明专利11项;出席国内外学术会议并做大会报告40余次。指导大学生在国际iGEM大赛中获得国际金奖4项,国际银奖1项,单项奖4项。




89)    赖思华,张晋娜,邓通初,王安国,陈乐天*,许玫英*. 2024, 戈登氏菌H52对合成孕激素左炔诺孕酮的降解特性. 微生物学报. (已接收).

88)    李福权, 张瑞祥, 赵哲, 陈乐天*, 谢先荣*. 2024, 基因编辑设计和分析辅助工具的研究进展. 科学通报, doi: 10.1360/TB-2023-1334

87)    Wubei Zong, Xiaotong Guo, Kai Zhang, Letian Chen, Yao-guang Liu, Jingxin Guo*. 2024, Photoperiod and temperature synergistically regulate heading date and regional adaptation in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae209

86)    Degui Zhou, Yajing Li, Xianrong Xie, Wenyan Ding, Libin Chen, Tie Li, Jianian Tang, Xiyu Tan, Weizhi Liu, Yueqin Heng, Yongyao Xie, Letian Chen, Qi Liu, Shaochuan Zhou, Jing Zhao, Gong Zhang, Jiantao Tan, Yaoguang Liu*, Rongxin Shen*. 2024, Copy number variation of NAL23 causes narrow-leaf development in rice, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgg.2024.04.006

85)    Wubei Zong, Yingang Song, Dongdong Xiao, Xiaotong Guo, Fuquan Li, Kangli Sun, Wenjing Tang, Wenhao Xie, Yanqiu Luo, Shan Liang, Jingyao Zhou, Xianrong Xie, Dilin Liu, Letian Chen, Haiyang Wang, Yao-Guang Liu*, Jingxin Guo*. 2024, Dominance complementation of parental heading date alleles of Hd1, Ghd7, DTH8, and PRR37 confers transgressive late maturation in hybrid rice. The Plant Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16732

84)    Yuxing Fang, Dongshu Guo, Yi Wang, Ning Wang, Xianwen Fang, Yunhui Zhang, Xiao Li, Letian Chen, Diqiu Yu, Baolong Zhang, Genji Qin*. 2024, Rice transcriptional repressor OsTIE1 controls anther dehiscence and male sterility by regulating JA biosynthesis, The Plant Cell, 36 (5): 1697–1717.

83)    Gousi Li, Jingluan Han, Chen Yi, Hao Luo, Yuzhu Wang, Fengpin Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Letian Chen*, Yaling Zhang*. 2024, Global characterization of OsPIP aquaporins reveals that the H2O2 transporter OsPIP2;6 increases resistance to rice blast. The Crop Journal. 12 (1): 102-109.


82) Zhe Zhao†, Zhi Ding†, Hengjun Meng, Zixu Zhang, Xin Gou, Huiwu Tang, Jingyao Ping, Fangming Xiao, Yao-Guang Liu, Yongyao Xie*, Letian Chen*. 2023, Copy number variation of the restorer Rf4 underlies human selection of three-line hybrid rice breeding, Nature Communications (2023)14:7333.

81)     Yaoming Feng, Jintao Tang, Ruiying Liu, Yaoguang Liu, Letian Chen, Yongyao Xie* 2023, Characterization and fine mapping of a new Asian rice selfish genetic locus S3 in Asian-African rice hybrids. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 136(4):87

80)    金小雨,李道波*,郑晓丹,宋达,陈乐天,许玫英. 2023, 奥奈达希瓦氏菌 CctA介导周质甲基橙还原的电子传递机理. 微生物学报. 63(10): 38433857.

79)肖宇彬,张子旭,王玉珠,刘欢*陈乐天*. 2023. 时空转录组学研究进展植物学报. DOI: 10.11983/CBB22220



78)张雅玲、王锌和、李构思、曾栋昌、祝钦泷、陈乐天*、刘耀光*. 2022, 新型 DNA 碱基编辑器的研究进展华南农业大学学报, 43(6): 1-16.

77)李构思、张雅玲、马坤、谢勇尧、陈乐天*. 2022, 蛋白修饰调控植物育性与生殖发育的研究进展华南农业大学学报, 43(6): 36-47.

76)叶益华、杨旭楠、陈进林、陈乐天、许玫英*. 2022, 基于生态风险评估探究溶藻细菌2-4的抑藻特性微生物学报. 62(389): 3631-3645.

75) Wanni Luo, Jiantao Tan, Tie Li, Ziting Feng, Zhi Ding, Xianrong Xie, Yuanling Chen, Letian Chen, Yao-Guang Liu, Qinlong Zhu* & Jinxing Guo*. (2022) Overexpression of maize GOLDEN2 in rice and maize calli improves regeneration by activating chloroplast developmentScience China Life Sciences, 65, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-022-2149-2

74) Yangyi Zheng, Sensen Zhang, Yanqiu Luo, Fuquan Li, Jiantao Tan, Bin Wang, Zhe Zhao, Huifang Lin, Tingting Zhang, Jianhong Liu, Xupeng Liu, Jingxin Guo, Xianrong Xie, Letian Chen, Yao-Guang Liu*, Zhizhan Chu*. (2022)  Rice OsUBR7 modulates plant height by regulating histone H2B monoubiquitination and cell proliferationPlant Communications, 3 (6), 100412

73) Shuifu Chen, Sulin Lou, Xiucai Zhao, Shijuan Zhang, Letian Chen, Ping Huang, Guande Li, Yingying Li, Yao-Guang Liu*, Yuanling Chen*. (2022) Ectopic expression of a male fertility gene, LOGL8, represses LOG and hinders panicle and ovule developmentThe Crop Journal, 6:1665-1673.

72) Libin Chen, Chonghui Ji, Degui Zhou, Xin Gou, Jianian Tang, Yongjie Jiang, Jingluan Han, Yao-Guang Liu, Letian Chen*, Yongyao Xie*.2022. OsLTP47 may function in a lipid transfer relay essential for pollen wall development in rice. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 49:481-491

71) Kun Ma, Zhongfang Yang, Bowen Yang, Yao-Guang Liu, Qinlong Zhu, Letian Chen*. 2022. Bioinformatic and functional analyses reveal the expansion base of the rice polyketide synthase III superfamily and the synergistic roles of OsPKS1 and OsPKS2 in male reproduction. Reproduction and Breeding, 2(1): 9-17.

70) Kangli Sun, Minghui Huang, Wubei Zong, Dongdong Xiao, Chen Lei, Yanqiu Luo, Yingang Song, Shengting Li, Yu Hao, Wanni Luo, Bingqun Xu, Xiaotong Guo, Guangliang Wei, Letian Chen, Yao-Guang Liu, Jingxin Guo*. 2022, Hd1, Ghd7, and DTH8 synergistically determine rice heading date and yield-related agronomic traits. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 49(5): 437-447

69) Jingluan Han, Kun Ma, Huali Li, Jing Su, Lian Zhou, Jintao Tang, Shijuan Zhang, Yuke Hou, Letian Chen, Yao-Guang Liu, Qinlong Zhu*. 2022. All-in-one: A Robust Fluorescent Fusion Protein Vector Toolbox for Protein Localization and BiFC Analyses in Plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 20(6):1098-1109.

68) Zhe Zhao, Xianrong Xie, Weizhi Liu, Jingjing Huang, Jiantao Tan, Haixin Yu, Wubei Zong, Jintao Tang, Yanchang Zhao Yang Xue, Zhizhan Chu, Letian Chen*, Yao-Guang Liu*, (2022) STI PCR: an efficient method for amplification and de novo synthesis of long DNA sequences. Molecular Plant, 15: 620-629.

67) Jiantao Tan, Dongchang Zeng, Yanchang Zhao, Yaxi Wang, Taoli Liu, Shuangchun Li, Yang Xue, Yuyu Luo, Xianrong Xie, Letian Chen, Yao-Guang Liu, Qinlong Zhu*. (2022), PhieABEs: a PAM‐less/free high‐efficiency adenine base editor toolbox with wide target scope in plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20(5):934-943.

66) Rongzhi Chen, Yiwen Deng, Yanglin Ding, Jingxin Guo, Jie Qiu, Bing Wang, Changsheng Wang, Yongyao Xie, Zhihua Zhang, Jiaxin Chen, Letian Chen, Chengcai Chu, Guangcun He, Zuhua He, Xuehui Huang, Yongzhong Xing, Shuhua Yang, Daoxin Xie*, Yaoguang Liu* & Jiayang Li*. (2022) Rice functional genomics: decades' efforts and roads ahead. Science China Life sciences 65: 33–92.

65)叶益华杨旭楠胡文哲许玫英*, 陈乐天. 2022, 溶藻细菌的功能多样性及其菌剂应用研究进展微生物学报, 62:1171-1189.



64) Kun Ma, Jingluan Han, Zixu Zhang, Heying Li, Yanchang Zhao, Qinlong Zhu, Yongyao Xie, Yao-Guang Liu, Letian Chen*. (2021) OsEDM2L mediates m6A of EAT1 transcript for proper alternative splicing and polyadenylation regulating rice tapetal degradation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 63 (11): 1982-1994.

63)欧阳亦聃* and 陈乐天*. (2021) 作物育性调控和分子设计杂交育种中国科学生命科学, 51 (10) : 1385-1395.

62) Zhipeng Cai, Huibin Lu, Youfeng Qian, Letian Chen and Meiying Xu* 2021, Bowmanella yangjiangensis sp. nov. and Amphritea pacifica sp. nov., isolated from mariculture fishponds in China, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 71: 004941

61) Han J, Wang X, Wang F, Zhao Z, Li G, Zhu X, Su J*, Chen L*. 2021, The fungal effector Avr-Pita suppresses innate immunity by increasing COX activity in rice mitochondria. Rice, 14: 12. 

60) Qian Y, Xu M, Deng T, Hu W, He Z, Yang X, Wang B, Song D, Chen L, Huang Y, Sun G. 2021, Synergistic interactions of desulfovibrio and petrimonas for sulfate-reduction coupling polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 407: 124385

59) Zong W, Ren D, Huang M, Sun K, Feng J, Zhao J, Xiao D, Xie W, Liu S, Zhang H, Qiu R, Tang W, Yang R, Chen H, Xie X, Chen L, Liu Y-G*Guo J* 2021, Strong photoperiod sensitivity is controlled by cooperation and competition among Hd1, Ghd7 and DTH8 in rice heading. New Phytologist. 229: 1635-1649.



58) Wang B, Fang R, Zhang J, Han J, Chen F, He F, Liu YG, Chen L*Rice OsLecRK5 phosphorylates a UGPase to regulate callose biosynthesis during pollen development. Journal of Experimental Botany2020, 71(14):4033-4041.

57) Yongyao XieLetian Chen*Epigenetic regulation of gibberellin metabolism and signaling. Plant Cell Physiol. 2020, 61(11): 1912-1918.

56) Bin WangRuiqiu FangJia ZhangJingluan HanFamin ChenFurong He, Yao-Guang LiuLetian Chen*. Rice OsLecRK5 phosphorylates a UGPase to regulate callose biosynthesis during pollen development. Journal of Experimental Botany2020, 71: 4033-4041

55) Bin WangRuiqiu FangFamin ChenJingluan HanYao-Guang LiuLetian Chen*Qinlong Zhu*. A novel CCCH-type zinc-finger protein SAW1 activates OsGA20ox3 to regulate gibberellin homeostasis and anther development in rice. J. Integr. Plant Biol2020, 62(10): 1594-1606.

54) Xianrong Xie# Zixu Zhang #Zhe ZhaoYongyao XieHeying LiXingliang MaYao-Guang LiuLetian Chen*.The mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase OsALDH2b negatively regulates tapetum degeneration in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020, 71: 2551-2560

53) Jiantao Tan Yanchang Zhao Bin WangYu HaoYaxi WangLi Y Wanni LuoWubei ZongGousi LiShuifu ChenKun MaXianrong XieLetian ChenYao-Guang Liu*Qinlong Zhu*Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-based plant genomic fragment deletions by microhomology-mediated end joining. Plant Biotechnol. J. 2020, 18 (11): 2161-2163

52) Wenjun DengRiqing LiYiwei XuRunyuan MaoShuifu ChenLibin ChenLetian ChenYao-Guang Liu*Yuanling Chen*2019A Lipid Transfer Protein Variant with a Mutant Eight-cysteine Motif Causes Photoperiod-thermo-sensitive Dwarfism in Rice, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, 71: 1294-1305

51) Zhe Zhao Zixu Zhang Zhi Ding Hengjun Meng Rongxin Shen Huiwu Tang, Yao-Guang Liu, Letian Chen*, 2019, Public-transcriptome-database-assisted selection and validation of reliable reference genes for qRT-PCR in rice, Science China-Life Sciences, 2020, 6392-101



50)宋建华,杨永刚胡文哲陈乐天许玫英*(2019)活性污泥中电活性微生物的富集筛选研究进展,微生物学通报46 (8): 20902100.

49)Xie Y#Shen R, Chen L*Liu Y-G*, 2019, Molecular mechanisms of hybrid sterility in rice, Science China-Life Sciences, 62 (6): 737-743

48)谢勇尧,汤金涛,杨博文,胡骏,刘耀光,陈乐天*,水稻育性调控的分子遗传研究进展,(2019) 遗传41 (8): 703-715

47)陈乐天*王慧婷,韩靖鸾,栾莹,植物果胶裂解酶的研究现状及展望,(2019)华南农业大学学报, 10 (5):71-77

46)刘耀光*,李构思,张雅玲,陈乐天, 2019CRISPR/Cas植物基因组编辑技术体系研究进展,华南农业大学学报, 10 (5): 38-49

45)钱柚粉,邓通初陈乐天张列宇许玫英*,水体沉积物中微生物厌氧呼吸耦合多环芳烃降解的研究进展,微生物学通报46 (1) (2019): 162171.

44) Xie Y, Tang J, Xie X, Li X, Huang J, Fei Y, Han J, Chen S, Tang H, Zhao X, Tao D, Xu P, Liu Y-G, Chen L*, 2019, An asymmetric allelic interaction drives allele transmission bias in interspecific rice hybrids, Nature Communications, 10, 2501

43) Tang J, Chen L, Liu Y-G*, 2019, Off-target effects and the solution, Nature Plants, 5: 341-342

42) Ma K, Han J, Hao Y, Yang Z, Chen J, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q*, Chen L*, 2019, An effective strategy to establish a male sterility mutant mini-library by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of anther-specific genes in rice, J Genet Genomics, 46: 273-275

41)杨永忠陈乐天, (2019) A 高校青年教师发展面临的困境及舒缓建议,智库时代,2(170):83-84. 



40) Zhu Q, Zeng D, Yu S, Liu H, Wang H, Yang Z, Xie X, Shen R, Tan J, Li H, Zhao X, Zhang Q, Chen Y, Guo J, Chen L, Liu Y-G*. (2018) From Golden Rice to aSTARice: Astaxanthin Biosynthesis in Rice Endosperm, Molecular Plant , 11 (2018), 1440-1448

39) Xie Y# Zhang Y# Han J Luo J Li G Huang J Wu H Tian Q Zhu Q Chen Y Kawano Y Liu Y-G Chen L*2018, The intronic cis-element SE1 recruits trans-acting repressor complexes to repress the expression of ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1 in riceMolecular Plant11, 720-735



38) Shen R, Wang L, Liu X, Wu J, Jin W, Zhao X, Xie X, Zhu Q, Tang H, Li Q, Chen L, Liu Y-G* (2017) Genomic structural variation-mediated allelic suppression causes hybrid male sterility in rice. Nature Communications, 8 (1) : 1310.

37) Tang H, Xie Y, Liu Y-G, Chen L*. (2017) Advances in Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and Restoration in Rice. Plant Reproduction 30: 179-184.

36) Zhu Q, Yu S, Zeng D, Liu H, Wang H, Yang Z, Xie X, Shen R, Tan J, Li H, Zhao X, Zhang Q, Chen Y, Guo J, Chen L, Liu Y-G*. (2017) Development of “Purple Endosperm Rice” by Engineering Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in the Endosperm with a High-Efficiency Transgene Stacking System. Molecular Plant 10 (7): 918-929.

35) Xie Y#, Niu B#, Long Y, Li G, Tang J, Zhang Y, Xie X, Ren D, Liu Y-G, Chen L*. (2017) Suppression or knockout of SaF/SaM overcomes the Sa-mediated hybrid male sterility in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 59: 669-679.

34) Xie Y, Xu P, Huang J, Ma S, Xie X, Tao D, Chen L*, Liu Y-G*. (2017) Interspecific hybrid sterility in rice is mediated by OgTPR1 at the S1 locus encoding a peptidase-like protein. Molecular Plant10, 1137-1140.

33) Lou S#, Chen S#, Zhao X, Chen L, Zhang J, Fu H, Liu Y-G*, Chen. Y*. (2017) The far-upstream regulatory region of RFL is required for its precise spatial-temporal expression for floral development in rice. Plant Molecular Biology, 93: 185–195.



32) Tang H, Zheng X, Li C, Xie Y, Chen Y, Chen L, Zhao X, Zheng H, Zhou J, Ye S, Guo J, Liu Y-G*. (2016) Multi-step formation, evolution, and functionalization of new cytoplasmic male sterility genes in the plant mitochondrial genomes. Cell Research 2017,27 (1): 130-146.

31)陈乐天,刘耀光* (2016) 水稻野败型细胞质雄性不育的发现利用与分子机理研究,科学通报61: 3804-3812.

30) Chen W, Zeng D, Shen R, Ma X, Zhang Q, Chen L, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q* (2016) Rapid in vitro splicing of coding sequences from genomic DNA by isothermal recombination reaction-based PCR. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 30 (5): 864-868.

29) Hu Y, Deng T, Chen L, Wu H*, Zhang S* (2016) Selection and validation of reference genes for qRT-PCR in Cycas elongate. PLoS One 11 (4): e0154384.

28) Wang M, Wang Y, Wu H, Xu J, Li T, Hegebarth D, Jetter R, Chen L, Wang Z* (2016) Three TaFAR genes function in the biosynthesis of primary alcohols and the response to abiotic stresses in Triticum aestivumScientific Reports 6 (4): 25008.

27) Xie Y, Liu YG*, Chen L* (2016) Assessing protein-DNA interactions: pros and cons of classic and emerging techniques. Science China Life Sciences 59 (4): 425-427.

26) Xie Y, Zhang Y, Zhao X, Liu Y-G, Chen L* (2016) A CAPS-based DNA-binding assay provides semi-quantitative validation of protein-DNA interactions. Scientific Reports 6 (2): 21030.

25)韩靖鸾,苏  菁,郑  朝,李楚良,李构思,王晓宇,王丰品,季艳蓉,陶  阳,朱小源*陈乐天2016)利用分子标记提高筛选普感水稻抗病突变体的准确性,植物病理学报 46 (4): 521-528.



24) Ma X, Zhang Q, Zhu Q, Liu W, Chen Y, Qiu R, Wang B, Yang Z, Li H, Lin Y, Xie Y, Shen R, Chen S, Wang Z, Chen Y, Guo J, Chen L, Zhao X, Dong Z, Liu Y-G.*2015 A robust CRISPR/Cas9 system for convenient, high-efficiency multiplex genome editing in monocot and dicot plants. Molecular Plant 8 (8): 1274-1284.

23) Ma X, Chen L, Zhu Q, Chen Y, Liu Y-G.* (2015) Rapid decoding of sequence-specific nuclease-induced heterozygous and biallelic mutations by direct sequencing of PCR products. Molecular Plant 8 (8): 1285-1287.



22) Zhu Q*, Yang Z, Zhang Q, Chen L, Liu Y-G* (2014) Robust multi-type plasmid modification based on isothermal in vitro recombination, Gene 548 (1): 39-42.

21) 刘永振,李构思,王晓宇,韩靖鸾,苏菁,朱小源,陈乐天2014)利用二代测序技术高通量分析水稻品种间抗病性差异的分子基础,西北植物学报34 (9): 1742-1748

20) Tang H, Luo D, Zhou D, Zhang Q, Tian D, Zheng X, Chen L*, Liu Y-G* (2014) The rice restorer Rf4 for Wild-Abortive cytoplasmic male sterility encodes a mitochondrial-localized PPR protein that functions in reduction of WA352 transcripts. Molecular Plant, 7 (9): 1497-1500.

19) Wang L, Shen R, Chen L* and Liu YG* (2014) Characterization of a novel DUF1618 gene family in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 56 (2): 151-158. 

18) Chen L and Liu Y-G*. (2014) Male sterility and fertility restoration in crops. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 65: 579-606 (生物1区,IF-5Y2015 = 25.829). 



17) Wu HB, Wang B, Chen Y, Liu YG*, Chen L*. (2013) Characterization and fine-mapping of the rice premature senescence mutant ospse1Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 126 (7): 1897-1907.

16) Niu B, He F, He M, Ren D, Chen L*, Liu Y-G*. (2013) The ATP-binding cassette transporter OsABCG15 is required for anther development and pollen fertility in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 55 (8): 710-720.

15) Luo D, Xu H, Liu Z, Guo J, Li H, Chen L, Fang C, Zhang Q, Bai M, Yao N, Wu H, Wu H, Ji C, Zheng H, Chen Y, Ye S, Li X, Zhao X, Li R & Liu Y-G*. (2013) A detrimental mitochondrial-nuclear interaction causes cytoplasmic male sterility in rice. Nature Genetics. 45 (5): 573-577.

14) Chen L*, Wang F, Wang X, Liu Y-G. (2013) Robust one-tube Ω-PCR strategy accelerates precise sequence modification of plasmids for functional genomics. Plant and Cell Physiology. 54 (4): 634-642.

13) Chen Y, Liang H, Ma X, Lou S, Xie Y, Liu Z, Chen L, Liu Y-G*. 2013. An efficient rice mutagenesis system based on suspension-cultured cells. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 55 (2): 122-130.



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7) Fujiwara T, Maisonneuve S, Isshiki M, Mizutani M, Chen L, Wong HL, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K*. (2010) Sekiguchi lesion gene encodes a cytochrome p450 monooxygenase that catalyzes conversion of tryptamine to serotonin in rice. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285 (15): 11308-11313.

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1) 杨存义,陈乐天,陈方远,刘耀光*, (2002) 利用ZSP-1材料对细胞雄性不育恢复基因的定位华南农业大学学报 23 (4): 30-33. 

学术会议口头报告(Oral presentation)

42) The 15th International Association for Plant Biotechnology Congress, 2023/8/6-11Daejeon Korea. (Oral presentation)

41) International Conference on Sustainable Food Security SolutionsFaisalabadPakistan2023/5/29-31. (Oral presentation)

40) The 2nd Workshop on the Nature of Reproductive Barriers in Rice, Yunnan China, 2021/12/09. (Online meeting, Oral presentation)

39) 中国水稻研究所第二届水稻青年科学家论坛杭州中国, 2021/09/29 (Oral presentation)

38) 2021年广东省遗传学会学术年会,中国深圳, 2021/09/24-26, (Oral presentation)

37) The 7th International Symposium of Plant Reproductive Development, Shanghai, SJTU, 2021/07/5-9 (Online meeting, Oral presentation)

36) Molecular Plant-北京科技大学“作物雄性不育及杂种优势利用在线研讨会”2021/03/18 (Online meeting, Oral presentation)

35)第五届全国发育生物学大会,2020/10/29, 广州中国, (Oral presentation)

34) The 28th Plant and Animal GenomicsSan Diago USA2020/1/11-16. (Oral presentation)

33) 2019全国植物青年科学家论坛,四川成都,2019/11/21-23(Oral presentation)

32) The 17th International Symposium on Rice Functional GenomicsNov. 4- 6, 2019, Taiwan China. (Oral presentation)

31) 2019年中国作物学会学术年会,浙江杭州,2019/10/27-30(Oral presentation)

302019全国植物生物学大会,四川成都,2019/10/11-14(Oral presentation)

29)第一届中国—非洲经贸博览会——2019(长沙)国际稻作发展论坛暨中非稻作发展研讨会,201962629(Oral presentation)


27陈乐天,丰大种业2018水稻产业发展高峰论坛,中国,安徽合肥,2018911-12(Oral presentation)

26)第19届全国植物基因组学大会并做大会报告,四川成都,2018/8/19-22(Oral presentation)



23The 15th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics 2017/9/25-28,, Suwon, Korea. (Oral presentation)

22The XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC), July 23-29, 2017, Shenzhen, China. 2017/7/23-29 (Oral presentation)

21The international symposium on plant reproductive development, July 3-7, 2017, Shanghai, China.(Oral presentation)

20)中国植物保护学会“水稻病虫害绿色防控战略研讨会”,2016/10/21-23,福建福州。(Oral presentation)

19)四川农业大学作物重大病害重点实验室学术委员会2016 年学术会议,2016/5/14-15,四川成都。

18The 11th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, 2015/10/25-30, Parana, Brazil.

17The Third Beijing International Symposium on Molecular Plant Pathology, 2015/7/28-30, Beijing, China. (Oral presentation)


15The 11th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics2013/11/20-23, New Delhi, India. (Oral presentation)

142012全国植物生物学大会,2013/10/10-13,陕西杨凌。(Oral presentation)

13)第二届全国激光显微镜理论与应用研讨会,2012/9/17-22,江西井冈山。(Oral presentation)


11)中国植物病理学会2012年年会,2012/7/20-26,山东青岛。(Oral presentation)


9)中国植物病理学会2011年年会,2011/8/18-24,湖北宜昌。(Oral presentation)

8The Fifth International Rice Blast Conference, 2010/8/12-14, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. (Oral presentation)

7The 2010 Annual Meeting of Phytopathological Society of Japan. 2010/4/18-20, Kyoto, Japan. (Oral presentation)

6The 51th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Physiologists, 2010/3/18-21, Kumamoto, Japan. (Oral presentation)

5The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Physiologists, 2009/3/20-24, Nagoya, Japan.

4)第九届全国植物基因组学大会,2008/7/17-20,广州。(Oral presentation)

3The 49th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Physiologists, 2008/3/20-22, Sapporo, Japan. (Oral presentation)

2The 4th international rice blast conference, 2007/10/9-14  Changsha, China. (Oral presentation)

1The rice genetics and molecular biology workshop 2007/7/3-4, 2007, Nagoya, Japan. (Oral presentation)


11. 陈乐天、刘耀光、谭健韬、李日清、王雅茜;S58座位控制亚非种间杂种不育的关键基因及其应用,专利号:ZL202111016957.1.

10. 陈乐天,刘耀光,李构思,张雅玲,谢勇尧,张嘉;一种新型水稻高温可逆不育系及两系杂交稻制种体系,专利号:ZL202110271745.1.

9. 祝钦泷,刘耀光,陈乐天,方瑞秋,王斌,陈法铭,韩靖鸾;一种水稻育性基因SAW1及其应用,申请号:CN201911192671.1.


7. 陈乐天、刘耀光、谢勇尧、黄健乐;一种创建亚洲栽培稻与非洲栽培稻种间杂种亲和系的方法和应用,专利号:ZL201710216552.X.


5. 刘耀光、祝钦泷、曾栋昌、陈乐天一种在作物种子胚乳生产虾青素的转基因育种方法,专利号: ZL201610283794.6.

4. 陈远玲、李日清、徐毅炜、陈水福、夏继星、刘耀光、陈乐天、毛润媛、刘鹏;一种调控水稻植株株高的方法,专利号: ZL201510840714.8.

3. 陈乐天、谢勇尧、张雅玲、黄健乐、李元元、田庆玮、陈远玲、刘耀光;一种植物生长负调控顺式元件SE1及其在调控植物株高中的应用,专利号: ZL201510969303.9.

2. 刘耀光,唐辉武,罗荡平,陈乐天,张群宇;水稻细胞质雄性不育恢复基因及其应用,专利号:ZL201410090900.X.

1. 刘耀光,王中华,吴豪,张群宇,苏弟华,陈乐天;植物细胞质雄性不育恢复基因及其应用,专利号: ZL02152010.0.



1. 陈乐天,谢勇尧,张雅玲,赵秀彩,刘耀光;一种利用RFLP验证蛋白与核酸DNA结合互作的简便方法,申请号:201510214886.4.

2. 刘耀光,陈乐天,赵哲,谢先荣,刘伟智,祝钦泷,谭健滔;一种高效的大片段DNA合成与扩增的PCR引物、方法及应用,申请号:CN113832147A.


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