Professor Qing-Hua Pan


Professor Qing-Hua Pan (潘庆华教授)


TEL: 020-85288315    E-mail:


Professor, Master/Ph.D. Supervisor

Distinguished Professor of “Pearl River scholar”

Director of Rice Blast Disease Research Center, SCAU

Director of Laboratory of Plant Disease Resistance Genetics, Subject of Crop Genetics and breeding, SCAU


1994.03-1998.03: Ph.D., Kyoto University, Japan

1991.05-1994.03: Master, Kyoto University, Japan

1983.07: B.S., Graduated from South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China


1983-1991Rice breeding for disease resistance and its basic research , Institute of crop breeding and cultivation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

1998-1999: Postdoctor, Thailand National Center for genetic engineering and Biotechnology, Thailand

1999.12-NowDirector/Professor, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China


Mapping and cloning of rice blast resistance genes

Mapping and cloning of rice blast avirulence genes

Characterization of molecular mechanisms underlying “gene-for-gene” interactions

Genetic structure and dynamic changes of Magnaporthe grisea population

Molecular breeding for rice blast resistance



1. Zhang S, # Wang L, # Wu W, # He L, Yang X,Pan Q.* 2015.Function and evolution ofMagnaportheoryzaeavirulence geneAvrPib responding to the rice blast resistance genePib.Scientific Reports 5: 11642.(Citations: 10)

2. Zhang X, # Yang S, # Wang J, #Jia Y, # Huang J, # Yan S, Zhong Y, Wang L, Gu L, Chen J,Pan Q*, Bergelson J*, Tian D*. 2015. A genome-wide survey reveals abundant rice blast R-genes in resistant cultivars.Plant J84: 20-28.(Citations: 2)

3. Wu W, #Wang L, #Zhang S, #Li Z, Zhang Y, Lin F,Pan Q.* 2014. Stepwise arms race betweenAvrPik andPik alleles in the rice blast pathosystem.Mol Plant-Microbe Interact 27:759-769. (Most downloaded paper)(Citations: 5)

4.Zhai C, #Zhang Y, #Yao N, Lin F, Liu Z, Dong Z, Wang L,Pan Q.*2014. Function and interaction of the coupled genes responsible for thePik-h encoded blast resistance of rice.Plos One 9: e98067.(Citations: 12)

5.Hua L, Wu J, Chen C, Wu W, He X, Lin F,Wang Li,Ashikawa I, Matsumoto T, Wang L, *Pan Q.*2012.The isolation of Pi1, an allele at thePiklocus which confers broad spectrum resistance to rice blast.TheorAppl Genet125: 1047-1055.(Citations: 63)

6. Zhu X,# Chen S,# Yang J, Zhou S, Zeng L, Han J, Su J, Wang L,Pan Q.* 2012. The identification ofPi50(t), a new member of the rice blast resistancePi2/Pi9multigene family.TheorAppl Genet124: 1295-1304.(Citations: 55)

7. Yuan B, #Zhai C, # Wang W, Zeng X, Xu X, Hu H, Lin F, Wang L,Pan Q.* 2011. ThePik-p resistance toMagnaportheoryzae in rice is mediated by a pair of closely linked CC-NBS-LRR genes.TheorAppl Genet122: 1017-1028.(Citations: 107)

8.Zhai C,Lin F, Dong Z, He X, Yuan B, Zeng X, Wang L,Pan Q.* 2011. The isolation and characterization ofPik, a rice blast resistance gene which emerged after rice domestication.New Phytologist189: 321-334.(Most cited paper)(Citations: 123)

9.Lin F, Chen S, Que Z, Wang L, Liu X,Pan Q.*2007. The blast resistance genePi37 encodes a nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat protein and is a member of a resistance gene cluster on rice chromosome 1.Genetics 177: 1871-1880.(Citations: 163)

10. Liu X, Lin F, Wang L,Pan Q.*2007. Thein silico map-based cloning ofPi36, a rice coiled-coil- nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat gene that confersrace-specific resistance to the blast fungus.Genetics 176: 2541-2549.(Citations: 172)


Pan QH, Zhang Y, Lin F, Yang XF, Zeng XS, Wang L. Functional specific molecular marker of rice blast resistance gene Pia and its method and Application. No. ZL201210163881.X (Approved 24 September 2014).

Pan QH, Pan JM, Zhang Y, Lin F, Wang L. Functional specific molecular marker of rice blast resistance gene Pia-C and its method and Application. No. ZL201210164522.6 (Approved 25 December 2013).

Pan QH, Chen CX, Zhuo C, Lin F, Wang L. Functional specific molecular marker PiksFNP of rice blast resistance gene Pik-s and its method and Application. No. ZL201210118460.5 (Approved 25 December 2013).

Pan QH, Chen CX, Zhuo C, Lin F, Dong ZQ, Wang L. Rice blast resistance gene Pik and its Application. No. ZL201010105686.2 (Approved 19 December 2012).

Pan QH, Wang L, Yuan B, Xu XK, Lin F. Rice blast resistance gene Pik-p and its Application. No. ZL200910236466.0 (Approved 19 December 2012).

Pan QH, Gan L, Zhuo C, Lin F, Wang L. Rice blast resistance gene Pi7 and its Application. No. ZL201010578633.2 (Approved 14 November 2012).

He XY, Pan QH, Liao YP, Wang L, Chen ZM, Lin F, Cheng YS, Chen YH, Liu W. “Yuebiao 5”. Guangdong Province approved No. 2015031.


Second Prize, Guangdong science and Technology Award(2015) Liao YP, He XY, Cheng YS, Chen ZM, Pan QH, Chen YD, Chen YH, Wang L, Liu W, Lin F. Breeding, application and characterization of new rice varieties “Yuejing Simiao 2”. [2015]1502; B01-1-2-04-R05(Approved 30 Jenuary 2015)